Terms and conditions

Term classes & holiday programmes

  1. All classes, except preschool 2-3 & 3-4yr ones, are subject to a maximum class size of 10 per coach . Once each group is full, all additional requests will go on a waiting list for the first available slot.
  2. Class groups 2-3 & 3-4yrs old will involve caregiver supervision and assistance, guidance will be given. Maximum class size of 14 per coach.
  3. Class groups 4 plus,  4-5yrs  and above do not required caregiver supervision.
  4. In our satellites venues, If you need to bring siblings, they will be welcome as long as they don't disturb and distract children in the class. You will require to supervise them and they are not allowed to use the equipment.
  5. At Gym Zone in Hobsonville, caregivers or siblings who are not in a class are not allowed to be in the gym (There are signs in the gym and we ask you to please follow them accordingly). Please do not feel offended if coaches ask you to leave the gym.  
  6. Caregivers are only allowed in the gymif they need to settle their child in a class. 
  7. Eating during the class session is not allowed
  8. Class request will only be confirmed with full payment of the term fees.
  9. Please note that there are no refunds after the commencement of the term or holiday programme, if your child is unable to attend.  We do not offer make up classes nor credit. Registrations are non transferable.
  10. Cancelled registrations received more than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the term or holiday programme, fees received will be refunded in full.
  11. If cancellation is received less than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the term or holiday programme $30 administration fee applies.
  12. Families booking, If you are booking 3 or more classes per term as a family a 10% discount will apply to the lowest fee.
  13. Credit Card Payments: Over the website these payments are processed by STRIPE and will incur a surcharge of approximately 2.9% + 0.30 NZD per transaction. This will be shown as a Transaction Fee.
  14. If you want to pay by cheque or cash, while the online registration is being completed, please write the payment option chosen in the other notes box ie "paid by Cheque", then select internet banking in this online registration form and click on "Make Booking"
  15. Gym Kids terms classes follow the school term.
  16. Public holidays - there are not make up classes, nor credit or refunds if a class is affected by a public holiday.
  17. Gym Kids reserves all rights to either cancel any current booking or deny participation in its activities to any individual at their discretion and no refunds will be given in these circumstances either. 
  18. I acknowledge that Gym Kids nor its coaches will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from  or in connection with the activities and I waive all and any claims whatsoever against Gym Kids and its coaches in this respect. 
  19. Photos may be taking for promotional purposes during  the delivery of any of our programme. By accepting these terms and conditions you give us consent to do so.
  20. I grant Gym Kids rights to use any pictures taken to my child for any of its publication and advertising purposes.
  21. Gym kids holiday programme are for children 4.5-11yr old. ( in Hobsonville up to 13yrs old)
  22. There is 15% discount available in our holiday programme when you make a booking for 3 or more session for the same child.
  23. All classes missed due to lockdown imposed by the government will be credited. Refunds will not be given.
  24. Vaccine pass is required for anyone over 12 years entering any facility where our classes are delivered.

Gymnastics, Birthdays, Free Play
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