
26th September Covid update - Customer Newsletter |
We hope that this communication finds you and your family safe and well. We hope that this weeks move down to level 3 is a step closer to us being able to reopen and see all your wonderful smiley faces again. Gym Kids can reopen at Level 2, so fingers crossed we hope that will be 6th October. Now that it has been confirmed that we won't be able to deliver any classes in Term 3 we have processed the credits for all classes missed due to the lockdown. Important: These credits are valid for 6 months from the date we are able to operate again once we move to Level 2 and can be used for both holiday programmes and Term class bookings. |
October Holiday Programme After 7 weeks of kids at home we know that parents will be needing a break this holidays. Gym Kids holiday programme is open now for bookings. The programme will be running from Wednesday 6th October if we have moved to Level 2. We cater for children age 4.5-11 yr. In Hobsonville we accept children up to 13 yrs old. Children will have a fantastic time with us learning new gymnastic skills, having fun with great games, art and craft activities and making new friends. Gymnastics videos and themed activities are part of the programme. We have also created some 1hr make up Gymnastics sessions available in HOBSONVILLE during the holidays. These will be $22 each session and you can use your credit for this. Please note that bookings are essential
A review of our Covid 19 - Delta Level 2 Health and Safety guidelines has been undertaken to make sure that your children are keep safe and healthy while they are with us during the holiday programme. |
Take care, Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon. From the Gym Kids team. |
8 SEP 2021
We hope you are all managing ok during the lockdown. It looks like the lockdown is working and we hope that we get some good news for Auckland on Monday 13th.
In the 1st lockdown e-mail we sent we indicated that credits would be applied when we have a clear picture of how long the lockdown will go for. Once we hear the new update on Monday 13th we hope to know if the gym can reopen this term or not. We should then be able to apply the credits for the classes missed due to the lockdown.
Thanks for your patience and understanding at this time, the continued support of our community is greatly appreciated.
Online workouts
It was great to see that many of you have taken up the opertunity to use the online resources that we have loaded for you. If you are a current student these have been selected for you and are accessible via the resource tab in your account.
All the resources are also available via YouTube
GymZone GymKids
More content will be loaded weekly! have fun.
Holiday Programme
We really hope that we will be able to run our holiday programme again this October. If the signs are good that this is possible we will be loading this up next week for bookings. Yes you will be able to use your credits towards this!
During the holiday programme we plan to make some sessions available for our students who have registered for the Counties Manukau competition on the 17th October. We will be sending out info about this if we are able to make it happen for you.
Take care and stay safe
From the Team at Gym Kids.
19 AUG 2021
Freemans Bay Community Hall
The Freemans Bay Community Hall has been identified as a location of interest in the latest outbreak of Covid 19. We understand that an infected person attended a church services there on Sunday 15th August.
We have contacted the Auckland council and Healthline to check their advise, re any potential surface contamination that may still have been present; when you attended on Monday 16th August. There advise is to monitor yourself for any symptoms in the next 14days and get tested if any symptoms occur.
The council has passed on all hirers details including Gym Kids to the Ministry of Health, to follow up if they have any concerns. We will let you know if we are contacted.
Take care stay safe.
The Gym Kids Team.
As per the government anouncment tonight Gym Kids will be closed for the next 7 days while we are in Level 4. We will do our best to keep you posted with updates. We will all need to be paitent and allow the situation to unfold before we are able to confirm credit options for missed classes. As per the previous lockdowns our Gym Kids team will work hard to get back up and running as quicky as possible once we move to level 2.
This can be an unsettling time for everyone children included. Excercise and be a great way for young and old to manage their stress. Have some fun together by giving some of our works a go together. Our Youtube channel GymZone GymKids that we developed over previous lockdowns is being updated. We will have new content for you shortly.
Be kind and stay safe everyone!
All the best from the Gym Kids team.
27th August 2020
Welcome back to Gym Zone and Gym Kids due 31st August
Important - Preparation before class
We are so excited to be opening our doors again and really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful smiling faces of all our Gym Kids. Coming to the gym will be a little different so please find following a step by step guide of what to expect:
Before coming to the Gym you will need to do a few things:
1) Be dressed in your gym gear, changing rooms won’t be available during level 2. Have a warm top over your Gym gear and shoes.
2) Have a bag to put your gear in and your drink bottle. No other gear to be brought to the gym.
3) Please help us to maintain the rules of group size and social distancing by not arriving too early for your childs class or waiting at the gym during their class. We are happy to work with you to help children to settle into this new normal.
4) Parents of children under 8yrs old who will need to come into the gym (or anyone who would like to come in to purchase food or coffee) will need to have registered with GOVT contact tracing APP.
5) The wearing of masks is not compulsory but is suggested. Our reception and coaching staff will be wearing masks.
6) Equipment is sanitised between groups and children will hand sanitizer before class and when they move to a new piece apparatus. The gym and café will have a deep clean every evening and spot cleaning throughout the day as required.
7) Group sizes are limited to 10 including the coach (and caregivers for preschool). Where bookings are larger we will be assigning an extra coach so that we can split the group and keep to this limit.
Welcome back to Gym Zone - Hobsonville
Arriving at the Gym:
2-4 years - Caregivers have full access to the facility due to the age of children, must practise social distance (2m). Enter through the cafe. Mid week you exit through café, Saturday please exit through the gym roller door. We will be splitting the class in groups of more than 10(including caregivers and coaches)
5-7 years - Caregivers to drop off inside the facility then leave as quickly as is reasonable for the duration of class. Enter through the cafe, deliver your child to the designated meeting point for their class and leave through door at the bottom of the stairs. Pick up from the gym roller door. Please be on time.
8+ years - Caregivers to drop off. Pick up from the gym roller door .
- Enter through the café Parents who need to come onsite please register via the GOVT tracer APP before entering. Hand sanitizer will be available at reception. Child attendance will be recorded from the roll by the coach at the beginning of class.
- Caregivers of 2-7yrs please check that your child has been to the bathroom and wash your hands thoroughly.
- Caregivers of 2-4yrs will be advised of your designated table by the reception staff. We will have signs on the table so you know where they need to sit.
- Caregivers of 5-7yrs once you have dropped your child off please leave the centre through the door at the bottom of the stairs. Our reception team will take your child to their designated waiting space. Please don’t exit through the café doors. We are happy to help you if your child is a little worried or anxious, we will apply a common sense approach to helping to settle children into this new normal. If you don’t need to stay please help us keep to the rules and return at the end of class to collect your child.
- 8yrs and above to go upstairs and wait for their coach at their table.
- Coaches will collect groups from upstairs and direct them to their gear area. Warm top and shoes to be put in your bag and into the cubby holes.
- Coach will take their group to the designated space in the gym. They will take the attendance and do the run over the new rules.
- We have Gym Kids static warm up that the whole club will learn. This will help to maintain social distancing. There are different levels of the same basic movements.
- We have designated rotations in the Gym to keep groups separate.
- The floor has been marked with red tape to maintain the 1m gap when we are doing exercises or lining up for an apparatus.
- We need to wipe down the equipment when we have finished our turn on that station. The coach will be taking the “Bubble bucket” with them as their group moves around the gym which has disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer, gloves, wipes and a cloth in it.
- We will need to use hand sanitizer before using equipment.
- The Foam pit will be covered by mats NO JUMPING INTO THE FOAM. Only landing or walking on mats is allowed.
- We must keep 1m gap between each other during the class.
- If you need to use the bathroom during class please tell your coach. Only 1 person at a time in the bathroom. Please let Ele or Amanda at reception know that you are going so they can make sure no one else goes into the bathroom.
Leaving the Gym
1) When the class is ready to cool down and stretch the coach will ask their group to go to their designated cubby hole area to grab their gear bags.
2) Warm tops and shoes will be put at the end of class and the kids will be taken to the end of the mat by the roller door where they will wait for parents on the blue marks on the floor.
3) The roller door will be opened so that parents can collect their children.
Welcome back to Gym Kids - Freemans Bay
Please see the main guidelines above plus the few specific ones for this location below.
1) Please make sure you have registered with us via our online booking system. Please don't just arrive at class without confirm your attendance. Our Contact tracing requirements for children is from our online register.
2) When parents and caregivers come to the hall please follow register your visit via the QR code displayed at the door and GOVT contact tracing APP
3) If you don’t need to stay please help us to maintain the group size and social distancing rules by not waiting for your child during class. We do however understand that this might not always be practical. If you need to stay please sit in the chairs provided, practise social distancing and please don’t bring siblings to the class.
4) When children arrive please put their gear on the stage in the designated area for their group.
5) We have hand sanitizer and a regular cleaning process so that we meet our hygiene requirements.
6) When leaving the gym can parents please collect children from the side doors of the gym (next to the kitchen) so that we don’t cross over with the next group arriving through the main doors.
We hope you have fun at Gym Zone and Gym Kids and we look forward to seeing you again.
24th August 2020
Gym Zone and Gym Kids will be reopening on Monday 31st August when Auckland moves to Level 2. Prior to reopening we will update you with our revised guidelines so that you can safely participate in Gymnastics again. We are really looking forward to seeing all our gymnasts back soon.
14th August 2020
Gym Kids Hobsonville, Ponsonby and Freemans Bay will be closed until Wednesday 26th August. We expect to reopen for classes on Thursday 27th August. This will however be reviewed based on government announcment which is expected on Friday 21st August.
15th May 2020
Contactless Register
We are starting this Monday 18th May. All caregiver dropping off children to our classes will need to use our Contactless Register.
You will need to create your own QR code. It only take less than 1 minute to do it.
Children dont need to do this since our coaches will take class roll as usual.
Click here to create your QR code
11th May 2020
Supporting your child to return to Gymnastics
It will be very normal for your child to be a little unsettled as they start back into school and activities. Please note that we will work with you to support your child and help them to settle in again. It is however very important to practice social distancing and processes for dropping off and picking up your child will change.
Programmes are adjusted to ensure athletes are rebuilding after a period of time out of the gym ensuring their safety and minimise injury risk
Development of more difficult skills is limited to avoid injury and coaches to remain contactless with athletes so spoting is not allowed unless in an emergency.
All Gymnastics Competitions for 2020 are cancelled at this stage. Gymnastics NZ is reviewing how some competitions can go ahead. (Further communication to competitive members will follow with more details about events.)
- Staff will work offsite where possible, and when at the facility will maintain social distance.
- Coaches have been advised to take a ‘hands off’ approach to Gymnast instruction where is safe to do so.
All Adults entering our Facilities will need to register via the QR code or manual form.
- Daily cleaning of the public spaces and facilities.
- Daily disinfecting of high use equipment inside the gymnasiums at the end of each night.
- Hand washing before and after class will be continued.
- The Foam pit will be covered by mats NOT JUMING INTO THE FOAM. Only landing or walking on mats is allowed.
- Only parents of pre-schoolers to stay in the facility with their child while they are attending class.
- Class sizes limited to 9 athletes and 1 coach.
- All other parents must drop of and pick up only.
- All children must arrive ready to start Gym with a warm top and shoes on. No changing in the changing rooms. Parents please make sure your child has been to the toilet before class and has washed their hands.
- All Children must have a bag with them that contains only their drink bottle. They are to put their shoes and warm top inside when they start gym.
- Only 1 child at a time in the bathroom.
- 8+ years - Caregivers to drop off and pick up outside the facility only. Children attendance will be recorded from the roll by the coach.
- 5-7 years - Caregivers to drop off inside the facility then leave as quickly as is reasonable for the duration of class. Enter through the cafe, sign in, deliver your child to the designated meeting point for their class and leave through door at the bottom of the stairs.
Pick up from the gym roller door. Please be on time.
- 2-4 years - Caregivers have full access to the facility due to the age of children, must practise social distance (2m). Enter through the cafe and sign in. leave through the gym roller door after your class.
- All Children and coaches will be directed to wash their hands before entering the training gymnasiums, and then their names will be checked off the attendance role.
- Athletes are no longer able to use the cups at reception. Athletes may fill their own drink bottles. Any drink bottles left on the gym floor at the facility will be disposed of daily (please remind your children to take theirs home).
- Please do not attend classes or enter the facility if you feel unwell or are showing any cold or flu symptoms. Please let us know if this is the case.
- Do not attend gym or enter the facility for 14 days if you have just arrived in New Zealand from overseas.
Gym Kids Team
As we had previously advised that Sport NZ would be announcing more detailed information regarding sport in Alert Level 2 on 1 May, Today we wanted to provide you with an update.
Sport NZ are in ongoing discussions with the Government and in particular the Ministry of Health to finalise requirements and will communicate further details once this has been agreed – at this stage we are not sure when that will be but will keep you posted.
In our update last week we advised our intention to reopen on 18th May and we still hope that this is possible. We had wanted to open our registrations for term 2 today (4th May). As the Guidelines might effect our timetable it is sensible to wait for these before opening the registrations as we don’t want to cause confusion for our customers.
Thanks you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Gym Kids team.
We hope that this update finds you all safe and well. As you will have heard repeatedly these are unprecedented times. None of us have a rule book for this type of situation and as such we are all learning as we go. We are very proud of the efforts our country has made in stamping out this virus. Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones during this time and all those who have faced many struggles and sacrifices.
Gym Kids is working hard on preparing to reopen when we move to Alert level 2. We are following the official government guidelines along with recommendations from the various sporting authorities. We will not be able to open in level 3 which starts Monday 27th at 11.59pm. It is our intention to open on Monday 18th of May if the government move us down to alert level 2 after the review of level 3 which is planned for 11th May.
Additional guidelines will be released to us on 1st May from Sport NZ, Aktive and Gymnastics NZ. Based on these we will make timetable, class and process changes as needed. We intend to open our registrations on Monday 4th May. Our current registered students will receive their class rollover info at this time. We will be sending out the updated info via our newsletter, website and facebook page.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our team who have been working behind the scenes to keep things going. A huge thanks as well to the coaches who have prepared some great workouts on facebook and YouTube. If you haven’t had a chance to give some a go please see
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you back at Gym Kids very soon.
Best wishes from GYM KIDS TEAM.
23/03 /2020
Dear community,
As you will likely all be aware, the government has raised the Covid-19 alert level to level 3 from today. This requires gymnastics clubs to immediately suspend delivery of all classes. The alert level will increase to level 4 on Wednesday and these, plus other measures, will remain in place for a minimum of 4 weeks.
If you haven't seen it already, this is a fantastic government website that will help you keep up to date -
We will continue communicating mainly through our website, facebook page and email during this time. We will give you further updates over the coming days as we process the decisions made and their implications.
We are all operating in a climate of huge upheaval and uncertainty and we are very conscious of the impact this will be having on you all.
Take care of your family.
Best wishes from GYM KIDS TEAM.